Resonance Group presents

Impulsing Healthcare & Edutech Transformations

Our approach, our know-how and our financial participations help us to reinvent the health and education markets of tomorrow

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About Us

Cardia France:
Better, Faster, Stronger

Cardia France aims to provide the financial (capital participation), human (mentoring, sharing of experiences and knowledge) and operational (provision of technology and services) resources of the entire Resonanc-e group to a set of projects that we consider sufficiently ambitious, disruptive and innovative to revolutionize basic pillars of our society like health and education...


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What we do

Our quest



From the office to the home and from the home to the office: we help improve the relationship between health professionals and their patients. Better spaces, better communication methods, better monitoring... etc.



From school to entry into working life: we offer unbearably dynamic links to break dogmas and offer opportunities

Facts To Know

Accelerate your path to success
by minimizing risk

Cardia France positions itself as a strong strategic partner, which strongly supports its projects and seeks to create an effect of complementarity and synergies that allow to minimize the risks of capital and time invested in all of our duties. We have created an ecosystem of people, financial assets and knowledges that invites to participate in change without having to take risks alone..

Why resonanc-e

Noise organizer and Echo builder

At Resonanc-e, we want to make enough noise so our impacts could resonate into society: Cardia France is the "bass drum" of our drums, the one that sets the tempo, accelerates it or controls it. Our close ties with the industry and our multidisciplinary approach offer to our projects the competitive advantage they need to thrive.

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Do you want to join
the dark side ?

If you would like to know more about our projects, become one of our partners in their expansion or work with us, do not hesitate to contact us.

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